Monday, March 28, 2016


The NFL draft is only 4 weeks away, and already we have our first breaking news story of the 2016 offseason in the MFFL.
     After long speculation we finally received word today that the league's commissioner, and one of the foremost managers, is officially changing his name for the upcoming 2016 MFFL season.
    "Perpetual Dynasty" was formed in 2012 to illustrate what the commissioner had already accomplished in the game of fantasy and to build the foundation for what he hoped to accomplish in the newly formed MFFL. Over the first 4 years of the league no name was more feared, respected, or renowned than PD. It is a name that holds many league records and unforgettable moments. It is simply a Hall of Fame name.
     But unfortunately for the commish it is also a name that holds with it many scars. Few can understand the pain PD has gone through, as he has watched in horror each worthy team fall to the same devastating fate. Entering the 2016 offseason the commish was left to pick up the pieces yet again, and look forward to another season of PD football. But the prospects of going through another year under the PD banner brings about too much pain and ill memories. It is time for a change.
     In an attempt to be rid of the pain of the past, while maintaining the strength and excellence of such a historic name, commish is officially changing his name to:

The Perpetual Dynasty

     It is a name that changes the franchise's outlook, while also getting a massive bump in merchandise sales from fans who need to by all new apparel from the team's webpage. "The" will be pronounced making an "e" sound at the end of it like the word "bee or see." Conversely it is used in the "a" sounding like "duh" in the team name "The Real McCoy".
     TPD employees are very excited about the future of the franchise. The new name brings a new hope for a franchise long weighted down by the failures of its past. The TPD name will reach higher, standing on its excellence of old, towards a brighter future.
